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Many will have Scores filled in.


BLACKWOOD TOWN  Sportsmans Evening 2002 £1.00

BOROUGH OF BLAENAU GWENT 6-A-Side Tournament 1978(slmk) £1.00

C&G TROPHY FINAL  Gloucestershire v Worcestershire 2003(Scorecard) £1.00

CRICKET ’74  Magazine(1 pic cut out inside) 50p

ENGLAND v Australia 1968(Rothmans Cricket Almanack) £4.00  2009(1st Test)(Prog) £2.00 (scorecard) £1.00 (Hospitality Pack and Paper cuttings) £2.00  India 2007(series prog) £2.00  Pakistan 1987(Tour Guide) £2.00 1996(3rd Test)(scorecard) £1.50 1996(Texaco Trophy series iss) £2.00  South Africa 1955(SA  Pirate Prog)(crs £2.50 South Africa/Zimbabwe 2003 £2.00  Sri Lanka 2016(1 day Series) £2.00  West Indies 1988(Sports Year 88 iss) £2.00 1991(4th Test) £2.00

ENGLAND  Victory in Australia Test Matches of 1954/55 Book £5.00


ENGLAND PHYSICAL DISABILITY X1 v Army Development X1 2012 50p  Army X1 2013 50p

GLAMORGAN v Derbyshire 16-19/7/49(Scorecard)(wof) £5.00  2-5/6/51(Scorecard) £5.00 13/9/98  Essex 26-29/7/52(Scorecard) £5.00 1/8/82 £1.00 8-11/7/89(Scorecard 50p 10-14/95(scorecard)(cr) 50p  Front Foot Mag Edit 14  July 2017 £1.00  Gloucestershire 27/6/82 £1.00 4/8/91 £1.00 6-30/8/93(Scorecard)50p 27/8/95 50p 6/7/97 50p 2/5/7/97(scorecard) 50p 14-17/5/99(Scorecard) 50p 19-22/9/17(scorecard) 50p  Hampshire 26-29/5/51(Scorecard)(nof) £5.00 24-26/6/53(Scorecard) £5.00 11/8/91 50p 19-23/8/93(scorecard) 50p 25/5/97 50p 29/8/01 50p 8-11/7/01(scorecard) 50p  Invitation X1 1990 £1.50  Kent 5/5/85 £1.00 31/7-3/7/92(scorecard) 50p 21-25/7/94(scorecard) 50p 25/8/96 50p  Lancashire 14/6/82(fld) £1.00 29/5/83 £1.00  Leicestershire 14-17/7/51(Scorecard)(wof) £5.00 11/8/96 50p 8-12/8/96(scorecard) 50p 14-17/06(scorecard) 50p 23/8/17(scorecard) 50p  Middlesex 26/6/48(Scorecard)(cr  wof) £5.00 27-29/7/55(Scorecard) £4.50 4/7/93 50p 18/6/95 50p 12-16/6/97(scorecard) Northamptonshire 29/6-1/7/49(Scorecard)(wof) £5.00 1/6/80 £1.00 20-23/5/89(scorecard) 50p 23/5/93 £1.00 7/5/95 50p 4-8/5/95(scorecard) 50p 24/8/97(fld) 50p 29/5/00 50p 27-30/7/11(scorecard) 50p 3-6/8/16(scorecard) 50p 11-14/4/2019(scorecard) 50p  Nottinghamshire 17-19/8/49(Scorecard) £5.00 24-28/6/93(scorecard) 50p 19-22/5/17(scorecard) 50p  Rest of The World 1988 £1.50 1989 £1.50  Somerset 4-6/54(Scorecard) £5.00  11-14/8/56(Scorecard) £4.50 13-28/7-1/8/94(Scorecard) 50p 13/6/96(scorecard) 50p 17/6/96(Scorecard) 50p  Somerset/Warwickshire 22&25/6/2005(cr) 50p Sri Lanka 18-20/7/98(scorecard) £1.00  Surrey 18/8/48(Scorecard)(fld wof) £5.00 8-10/7/59(scorecard)(slgr) £3.50 1/7/90 50p 5/6/94 50p 2-6/6/94(Scorecard) 50p 15/9/96 50p  Sussex 10/7/83 £1.00 26/5/91 £1.00 14/5/95 50p 11-15/5/95(scorecard) 50p 29/6/97 50p 26-30/6/97(scorecard) 50p    Warwickshire 15-18/6/57(Scorecard) £4.50 24-28/8/89(scorecard) 50p 5-9/8/93(Scorecard) 50p 23/4/95 50p 27/4/97 50p  Worcestershire 8-11/6/85(scorecard) £1.00 11/9/94 50p 8/6/2003 50p 17-20/4/13(scorecard) 50p 30/6-3/7/2019(scorecard) 50p

GLAMORGAN DRAGONS  Pro 40 Guide v Middx/Somerset/Yorkshire Kent 2007 £1.00

GLOUCESTERSHIRE v Australia 3-6/7/48(Unofficial iss)(fl cr) £4.00 Glamorgan 25/7/85 £1.00 3/7/94 50p 7/7/96 50p 21-24/6/14(scorecard) 50p  Kent 14/6/92 50p 14/7/96 50p  Lancashire 6/8/89(slcr) 75p Leicestershire 4/6/94 50p  Middlesex 9/9/84 £1.00 11/7/93 50p  Northants 20/8/89 £1.00  Somerset 2-5/8/47(Scorecard)(fld) £6.00  Sussex 15/7/90 50p Warwickshire 17/7/83 £1.00 20/5/90 50p

INDIA  Cricketers From Inda 1952(Playfair tour Souvenir £3.50

KENT v Glamorgan 30/7/17(scorecard) 50p  Somerset 11/7/82(scorecard) £1.00

LANCASHIRE v Australia 1-4/7/61(scorecard)(slcr) £3.00 Derbyshire 11-14/7/59(scorecard)(cr sl wr) £1.50  Glamorgan 18/6/89 £1.00 11/6/95 50p Gloucestershire 7-10/7/62(scorecard)(tty) £1.00 Leicestershire 13/5/79 50p  Middlesex 10/9/96 50p New Zealand 24-29/7/58(scorecard)(slcr) £4.00  Northamptonshire 31/8-2/8/1957(scorecard)(gr) £2.00  Somerset 31/5/87 £1.00 Surrey 10-13/7/82(scorecard) £1.00  Warwickshire 5/5/79(B&H Cup)(scorecard) £1.00  Worcestershire 17/7/83(Prog)(cr) 50p (scorecard) £1.00 24/4/88 50p  Yorkshire 3-6/8/74(Harry Pillings Testimonial) £1.50

LANCASHIRE SCHOOLS v Cheshire U15 10/7/84 50p Finals Day 1986 50p 1987 50p  Newcastle and Regions NSW(Australia) 12/7/85 £1.00  Staffordshire(U11) 23/7/86 50p


LEICESTERSHIRE v Glamorgan 28/4/91 50p


MISKIN MANOR v Yearbook 2011(fld) 50p

NORTH LANCASHIRE BOYS U15 v South Lancashire Boys U15 21/6/86 50p 20/6/87 50p

NORTH PERROTT Fixture Programme 2016 50p

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE v Glamorgan 14-17/9/??(scorecard) 50p

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE v Sussex 15-18/9/14(scorecard) 50p

ROTHMANS TEST ALMANAC  England v Australia 1964 £3.00

ROTHMANS WORLD CUP  Incl England/West Indies/Rest of World 1966 £3.00

SANDHURST CC 1995 Season Guide 50p

SOMERSET v Essex 5-8/5/56(Scorecard) £4.50 Glamorgan 18-21/9/97(scorecard) 50p 24/7/16(Scorecard) 50p 12/8/18(scorecard) Middlesex 14-18/9/95(scorecard) 50p   Surrey 10-12/8/55(Scorecard) £5.00

SOUTH AFRICA  Tour Souvenir Brochure 1951(Split Spine) £2.50  Playfair Tour Souvenir Brochure 1955(slcr) £2.00


SURREY v Warwickshire 1979(fld gr) 50p  Yearbook 1975 £4.50

SUSSEX v Kent 5/8/79 £1.00

THE ASHES Mirror Collection Magazine 2009 £2.00

WARWICKSHIRE v Glamorgan 18/8/96 50p  Middlesex 29/6/79 £1.00  Surrey 13-16/8/16(Scorecard) 50p

WELSH DRAGONS v Warwickshire/Worcestershire/Gloucestershire 2012(T20) £1.00

WEST INDIES  Tour Book 1957(worn)  £2.00

WILLOWSTICKS THREE COUNTIES LEAGUE  Annual Presentation Dinner Menu 1997 50p


WORCESTERSHIRE v Glamorgan 2/9/01 50p 13/8/16(scorecard) 50p 11/6/17(scorecard) 50p  Kent 16-18/7/58(scorecard) £2.50

YORKSHIRE v Lancashire 1-4/8/64(scorecard)(fld) £1.50  The White Rose Magazine Aug 84 £1.00 Nov 84 £1.00 Feb 85 £1.00 May 85 £1.00    Tony Nicholson Benefit Booklet 1973(signed by Tony Nicholson)  £2.50